Bright green trees blocks, from a simple extrusion…

Well I’ve done something rash…. I’ve only gone and bought some National Tree Map data from BlueSky, with the crown size and point height I can now use the power of a rule file to realistically represent trees within my chosen study area (City of London).

CyberCity3D data & BlueSky National Tree Map data (trees yet to have real height)

I’m not going to tell you how I did it, anyone who has used CityEngine will have an idea, and since this is my main business I have to keep something secret!

What does this all mean?  Well I think it means with access to data from OpenStreetMap and specialist data like this National Tree Map combined with 3D data from people like CyberCity3D, I’m really starting to wonder why we need a national mapping agency for some things…


3D Building Data from CyberCity3D

CyberCity Black