I thought I might write a quick post after what I thought was a pretty limited interest piece on my Kindle. Okay it was about some hidden features, but really I wasn’t expecting this. I thought a quick summary of my website statistics was in order.
So up until yesterday my most popular post was this one :
HP DesignJet 500 and Windows 7: Yes it does work even without the HPGL2 card!
It had about 420 pageviews in its life time (I keep getting comments on this post, which is nice).
Now my post yesterday :
Kindle 3 some hidden features
This got over 4500 pageviews, yesterday alone.
All I can say is wow, I thought this was a bit odd so I did some checking…. I have a “who’s among us” (see bottom of page) counter and had a look earlier today at the history:
As you can see at the height of yesterdays visitations I had 114 visitors on my site at one stage.
Now I know that statistics for websites aren’t an exact science, but I guess this post hit some interest nerve in people (and hit the right website listings!). I do have referral information and it seemed traffic came from some ‘technical’ sites and news boards. I also saw that if you type in “kindle 3 hidden” in Google this site is third on the list, hurrah!
Well that’s it, I just thought it was interesting to see how the correct content can drive visitors to your site. A big thank you to all those who visited and left comments, it’s really appreciated! I hope future posts of mine can be deemed as interesting and of value to people.