A topical visualisation today after I wondered whether I could do this whole flood map thing in 3D. What I’d really like to do next is have the rule file change the building colour as the water level rises… It can be done just not very nicely. It also demonstrates the real potential of CityEngine to become a responsive Geodesign tool.

Yes you can do this all in other packages but in CityEngine I can change the flood height variable and the model changes pretty much instantly (video to come). I’ve obviously done some pre processing work in ArcGIS to allow for it to work in CityEngine.
Data courtesy of CyberCity3D, who I am providing CityEngine consulting for.
Good work. It’s nice to see a real-world application of the CItyEngine procedural modeling capabilities, especially in how your model is dynamic with a change to an input.
Thanks for kind comment Bryant! CityEngine I believe has so much potential to go even further in the dynamic scenario modelling space.
There is a real need for flood modeling at a neighborhood or city scale and in 3D. People just don’t relate to a polygon in 2D. When they see it in 3D, the visceral impact of a potential flood, rising up the sides of buildings, could get people to act and improve their storm water systems or restore their ecological infrastructure like Kongian talked about at the 2014 Geodesign summit. Lots of folks thinking about how to visualize flooding in 3D. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got going.
I agree. Imagine the spin-off applications and new solutions that will come about if scale comes to street level.
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