evening with cityengine_escape_tech_esri

So is this the first real CityEngine event in the UK this year?  I’m hoping we get more!

Unfortunately this event is right when my holiday is so I can’t make it, but I recommend that if you’re interested in 3D cities and can make it, you should go.

Oddly this event seems to being held by Escape Technology (a creative industry company) and ESRI Inc. not ESRI UK (although they have promoted it via twitter).   This is probably down to the history of CityEngine being developed by the now bought out Procedural based in Zurich (now ESRI R&D Zurich), and the hybrid nature of CityEngine with one foot in two differing types of industry.

The great thing about CityEngine is it has uses in the creative industries of movies, computer games and graphic design as well as Urban Design and planning.   This event seems geared to the creative types, but that doesn’t mean urban designers and planners shouldn’t go and find out more about this great product.

Click here to find out more about the event and register and if you go tell Dominik Tarolli I sent you!

Now I hope this even paves the way for a CityEngine event for urban designers, planners and architects!



An Evening With EscapeTechnology and CityEngine!
15th August 2013, The Wheatsheaf, Rathbone Place, London
The Escape Technology team are pleased to be hosting an evening with CityEngine.
On Thursday August 15th join us at The Wheatsheaf, on Rathbone Place, for an exclusive evening with Esri, the team of masterminds behind CityEngine, the tool of choice for 3D modelling of urban environments, architecture, simulation, game development and film production.
The evening will include a full presentation packed with CityEngine tips & tricks and the Esri team will be on hand to answer any questions.
We’ll finish the evening off with some drinks, snacks & a good old’ natter!

6:00pm – 6:30pm – Registration
6:30pm – 7:15pm – “Hacking Cities: The Future of 3D CityModeling” with
Dominik Tarolli & Pascal Mueller
7:15pm Onwards – Drinks & Networking