Another quick post as I’ve been experimenting for a project with data from ArcGIS, simple stuff like using a spatial join to count points within polygons. But here CityEngine allows you to quickly model that data in 3D, I didn’t write a special rule for this I used one I already had and where there was a height attribute in the rule file I joined it to my simple count attribute in the imported polygon layer.

This type of visualisation helps us to understand the urban core and where there are higher concentrations of shops. In the image above we had a survey done of the number and location of shops in a defined area within a city core in Iraq. Simple numbers but difficult to sometimes interpret on a 2D map. The hexagon polygons are fairly coarse here I’ll probably make them smaller when it comes to finalising the work…
The end result may well be one of those webscenes that CityEngine produces so well.