Struggling to justify your new toy?

You may be interested in this post if you are a Planner, Architect or someone interested in policy and legislation in the UK and owns a Kindle!    Otherwise you may just be interested in ways to convert PDFs for your Kindle.   Please note that this is for PDF documents that are mainly text, I’m not sure PDFs of scanned documents will work that well…. (if at all)

As most UK policy documents and legislation can be obtained online as a PDF I’ve found a quick and easy way to convert them to a format the Kindle can read.

First download your favourite policy/legislation document from here for example: DCLG Planning Policy

Go to and download Mobipocket Creator

  1. Install Mobipocket Creator for advanced users (this is what I did)
  2. Load up Creator 
  3. Once loaded under the heading “Import from existing file” click on Adobe PDF
  4. Choose your PDF file and an output location
  5. The next screen you can more information and add a cover page (hint pictures from the PDF are stored in its own directory).
  6. Once you’ve done this click on “Build”
  7. The new file for the Kindle should a Kindle Content filetype (in Windows 7 with Kindle for PC installed it is).
  8. Plugin your Kindle via USB and drag and drop this new file into the “documents” folder

I wonder if I can get some nice maps on it….