Well this little error message really annoys me, I’ve just finished a large map (often A1) and all I want to do is print or export it (jpg or pdf).
Often I find it better to export as a pdf so I don’t need to load up ArcGIS again just to print a copy off.
Anyway as my maps get bigger (and hopefully better) so to do I see this error message more often.
The worst thing is the solution, basically I have to reboot my computer and as soon its loaded and before I do anything else load my map up in ArcGIS and either print or export it. It’s also a one shot deal so once I’ve done this I can’t re-printexport without a reboot.
I’ve followed a thread on the ESRI support site (great for support issues, but a bit hard to navigate), you can find it here : http://forums.esri.com/Thread.asp?c=93&f=1731&t=248490
The thread has been going since the 9th March 2008, and the last post as of now was the 30th March. Many solutions posted talk about editing the registry (or doing a reboot), and ESRI has said that the last service update should have fixed some peoples problems (but not mine apparently).
My feeling is that editing the registry manually should not be considered a solution (couldn’t someone write a small program to do it for me safely??).
Anyway I hope you didn’t come here to find the solution as the thread I link to in the support forum is all I’ve got, people have solved it for themselves but I guess it depends what you do for mapping.
Leave a comment or message me (I’m on Twitter you know..) if you have any solutions I might try, and no I don’t want to edit the registry OR reboot!
A good place to start is this:
Seems to have fixed things for me (for now at least…). The AdvancedArcMapSetting utility is pretty useful & allows you to change EMF/buffer sizes without editing the registry
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