Well that was interesting! Today I was contacted via email by someone working in the UK in a similar related industry who had an HP DeskJet 500 printer at their office and had just solved the problem of getting it to work with Windows 7 (64bit).
They ‘googled’ the solution to see if others had done the same and this post came up on my site:
“HP DesignJet 500 and Windows 7: Yes it does work even without the HPGL2 card!”
Trouble was GeoPlanIT seemed to get his browser (Firefox 3.6) in a refresh loop and didn’t display the post correctly! It seems it was at this point he did some detective work (not that difficult to find me) and emailed me at work and let me know. It turns out that a module on my blog to do with Amazon Associates was causing the problem. So I have disabled this module (don’t worry you aren’t missing anything!). Please accept my apologies to all those who might have experienced this outage (drop me a line if it happens again).
Anyway upon receiving the email I saw that he was in the UK (very important to have an email signature), and since it was Friday (and therefore a bit quiet) I decided to give him a call. We then had a very nice brief chat and not just about printers and blogs….
I’m sure he wasn’t expecting a call or then for me to write this blog post, but hey life is full of surprises! Anyway you know who you are so thank you for telling me about my blog issues, and I hope some of my other posts prove useful to you.
I guess the serious point of this post is to highlight the fact that sharing your experiences via a blog (or via any media) can help others and hopefully save us all from ‘reinventing the wheel’. Most of my walkthroughs and blog posts stem from researching the internet and piecing together useful information. I always try to acknowledge where I got it from and hopefully add to it.
If when reading one of my posts you have ideas or further suggestions please post a comment, and I will include the new information within my post (plus acknowledgement of course!).
That is all, now have a good weekend…..