As the occasional side project in my downtime I like to experiment with the creation of different geometries in CityEngine. A while back I started think about spaceships and had fun doing Blakes7 Liberator inspired ships. You can read about those here.
Adding more detail
Anyway I’ve started doing other ship types and some of you may have seen my twitter posts… Yup I’ve done Federation type Star Trek things….. as you can see below it’s one rule file and you can then interact with the rules attribution to make your own versions. These do not have an external assets used only the rules (and included primitives) in CityEngine.

I’ve then taken it into something I normally use for architectural visualisation a program called TwinMotion and made some fun renderings. Hope you like them!

If you like this sort of stuff I’ve setup an Artstation account for more image sharing rather than the rambling I do here.