Well a quick announcement really… I’ll be one of the featured speakers at ESRI’s HQ in Redlands, San Diego, early next year (January 24-25 2013).

This is what I’ll be talking about:

Garsdale Design, which specialises in master planning and urban design has been working on four city master planning projects in southern Iraq. These projects required the analysis and planning of these cities for their expansion over the next 40 years. So how did ArcGIS and CityEngine maximise our productivity giving the client better outcomes?

Large-scale city master planning projects inevitably move slowly over many months since the work proceeds stage by stage. At certain points work can often stop while the client consults and chooses options from a series of drafts. Frequently new data or requirements can emerge, the consequences of which have far reaching implications.

What if a city can be fully described at each stage of a project? CityEngine has demonstrated a new and exciting direction for us. With the concepts of ‘GeoDesign’ we are now looking at our project workflows in new ways. What if the project team could change detailed plans with ease taking into account new data instantly, and avoiding the laborious redrawing of layouts? This is the promise of the ‘Instant City’.

If you’re a regular  reader of my blog, you’ll know why I’m talking about CityEngine, it’s become a bit of an obsession really….

Drop me a line if you’re intending on going it would be great to meet other geo-professionals!

Follow their twitter account here https://twitter.com/GeoDesignSummit

The agenda is here : http://www.geodesignsummit.com/agenda/index.html