One or more layers failed to draw.
Labelling is very important in map making which is and I occasionally see this error message, now I won’t pretend to know exactly what is going on. This error message (without any detail) happens to me when I have used a layer and have opted to label each feature differently (through an SQL query). I think it happens when you relocate a database or MXD file and somehow the SQL query breaks. – I’d appreciate any insight into this if you have any…
The solution is simple:
- Right-click and select properties on your labelled layer (this isn’t an Annotation issue)
- Now click on the Labels tab.
- Click on the “Get Symbol Classes” and say Yes to overwriting the previous classes.
- Now click on the SQL Query button.
- In the SQL query dialog box delete the old query and redo the query again.
- Your features should now be labelled properly, Click Apply and then OK
Related: ArcGIS Support fourm 22547
It does not work your sollution. please help
Arcmap 10.5 – win 10 pro- Office 2013 Access (mdb)
Sorry not sure I can help … 🙂
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