One or more layers failed to draw.

Labelling is very important in map making which is and I occasionally see this error message, now I won’t pretend to know exactly what is going on.   This error message (without any detail) happens to me when I have used a layer and have opted to label each feature differently (through an SQL query).   I think it happens when you relocate a database or MXD file and somehow the SQL query breaks. – I’d appreciate any insight into this if you have any…

The solution is simple:

  1. Right-click and select properties on your labelled layer (this isn’t an Annotation issue)
  2. Now click on the Labels tab.
  3. Click on the “Get Symbol Classes” and say Yes to overwriting the previous classes.
  4. Now click on the SQL Query button.
  5. In the SQL query dialog box delete the old query and redo the query again.
  6. Your features should now be labelled properly, Click Apply and then OK

Related: ArcGIS Support fourm 22547


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