Okay this is a quick post so I don’t forget how this all works! I’ve been looking at StoryMaps for clients and in particular how to work in some custom 3D scenes.
Some StoryMaps work easily with 3D, basically Cascade, where others you have to ‘coax’. Basically the trick for getting storymaps templates like MapSeries to work require you to know about the how you can specify a weblink to a webscene that not only instructs it to display minimal user interface but also you can specify a ‘slide’ (what I’d call a bookmark).
Basically when you create a StoryMap (such as the MapSeries) choose a weblink instead of a map (as that only allows you a 2D map).

And then add either/or/both the following “&ui=min” for minimal user interface and “#1” for the slide number. That would look like this : https://gd3d.maps.arcgis.com/home/webscene/viewer.html?webscene=b2ee85b778974ebd98f7403f4e5145d1&ui=min#2 in the web page link dialogue box put in the weblink for the scene you want to use for example : https://gd3d.maps.arcgis.com/home/webscene/viewer.html?webscene=b2ee85b778974ebd98f7403f4e5145d1
The resulting StoryMap would like this (Sorry its a quick example of very little content!):
I used these Esri official blog posts to help piece it together: