Let’s face it AutoCAD is hugely expesensive especially for small firms, but what can you do? Well progeCAD could be your first port of call it works like AutoCAD and seems to be fully compatible but it is ver much cheaper:

progeCAD 2009 , the State of the Art of 2D/3D DWG and DXF CAD, powered by the most recent IntelliCAD engine is an easy replacement for AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT®!
Share your DWG, import DWG from PDF, export models to Google Earth®, PDF print, thousands of free blocks are only some of the key features available…

I’ve been using the trial to see if you can plot over georeferenced satellite imagery, it appears you can and I will post a workflow just as soon as I can.

Visit their website:


  1. Glad to see your enjoying your alternative to the high priced AutoCAD. for 1/10th the price you save thousands going with progeCAD.
    for reference, in the United States the website to find a reseller would be http://www.progesoft.us.

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