Okay I can tell you hate the overly wordy title, but there you go, I like to mix things up a bit, but I think I may have gone to far here.
- RealUrban3D London model
- OS OpenData for streets centre lines
- OpenStreetMap building footprints
- Analysis in ArcScene
- Visualisations and webscene production in CityEngine (to be fair I could do the webscene export in ArcScene with the new toolbox)
Why? because I can. Okay, there is a serious point here and that is data and GIS are a messy chaotic business (they shouldn’t be but they are). We don’t get things in neat formats always and just because you can’t see a reason why I’m using OpenStreetMap and OS OpenData together that doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason.

After combining the data CityEngine handles the various elements, here I’m using the centre lines for creating roads (graph networks in CityEngine). Then I’ve put the resulting model back into ArcScene for some flashy but ultimately not that useful ‘line of sight’ and ‘skyline’ tools.

You may have noticed my fascination with CyberCity3D/RealUrban3D data, well I’ve got a post about that coming, but basically I’m advising them in a consultant capacity….
Fantastic post. I managed something similar in ArcScene for some line of sight analysis in Worcester. It proved very useful for one of the residents!
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